In the event of a collision, your insurance company can help with the claims process, but where you go for repairs is up to you. Instead of choosing a non-affiliated body shop, ensure your repairs are done right by choosing the VinFast-authorized collision centre at Pfaff Autoworks.
Equipped with the latest diagnostic technology and the skills it takes to perform your repairs, our certified VinFast repair centre will get you and your premium vehicle back on the Richmond Hill roads in no time.
Trust Pfaff Autoworks’ certified collision centre to properly repair your EV. Repairing an electric vehicle can be significantly more complicated than repairing a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle, which is why you want a certified collision centre and highly trained technicians with extensive knowledge regarding EVs.
An electric battery is a high-voltage device that requires proper handling to keep its charge and support your electric vehicle’s functionality. Pfaff Autoworks has invested heavily in training, technology, tools, and equipment to repair the latest generation of VinFast electric vehicles.
If you’re in a collision, we’re always here for you. Our VinFast Certified Collision Center (VCCC) at Pfaff Autoworks has a crew of factory trained technicians who can perform restorative work according to exacting VinFast specifications. We offer:
Don’t settle for less; schedule an appointment at our VinFast certified collision repair centre today. Our team is standing by to provide a quote for the repair of your VinFast EV.